The Difference In Quality
We have been using Facebook and Instagram to upload images for 3 years now-they have been a great way to share images.
However, we have noticed that as soon as images are shared they lose their quality.
This is why we have started to use our website stories!
This story is NOT to put down Facebook or Instagram-we love the connections we can make there!
This story is to show the difference in quality depending on where it is shared and the size of the image.
Check out the images below to see the differences! The original image is at the end!
The image below was shared on Facebook.
The left image is the Facebook version while the right image is the original image.
Facebook: Details are blurred and lost, colors are slightly less vibrant

The image below was shared on Instagram.
The left image is the Instagram version viewed on the phone and the right is the view on a laptop.
The middle image is the original image.
Instagram is a great way to share images and add tags so that they are seen. On a phone they are seen much smaller than the original and the difference isn't too obvious, but if you were able to zoom in all the way or view it on a laptop the difference is apparent!
Instagram: Details are blurred and lost, colors are less vibrant

The image below was re-sized and shared on our website.
In both the following pairs, the left image is the re-sized website version while the right image is the original image.
Website 1: The colors and details are otherwise clear and very similar to the original
Website 2: You have to zoom in quite a bit before you start noticing the pixelation; the colors still match

The full image-see if you can tell the difference between the re-sized and the original!

Answer: The first image is re-sized.
The second and final image is the original image-that is the one originally shared to Facebook!